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Practice Areas

Practice Areas
Custody Daniel Wigler Law Firm
Alimony Daniel Wigler Law Firm
Division of Property
Abduction of Children
Inheritnce Law Daniel Wigle
Tort Claim
Legal Agreements

About Us

Daniel Wigler is an expert in family laws and inheritance laws.
Adv. Daniel Wigler holds an LL.B Bachelors degree in law, and an  Master of law degree, both from the University of Tel - Aviv, Israel.

Adv. Daniel Wigler has an extensive experience in handling divorce and inheritance disputes both in Israeli family courts and rabbinical tribunals and as a mediator.

Adv. Daniel Wigler speaks Hebrew, English, French and Italian and gives legal services to foreign citizens around the world who has legal conflicts in Israel regarding marriage, divorce, alimony, custody, wills and inheritance and more.  

Daniel Wigler Law Office


  • To act in determination, loyalty and professionally in order to maximize the results of our clients' legal proceedings.

  • To identify our clients' best interests and to provide them with the most efficient strategy for their legal proceedings.

  • To be dedicated and committed to our clients and to provide each client absolute personal and sensitive attention, quality counsel and innovative solutions.

  • Leading experts in family law and in inheritance law in Israel.


About Us
Contact Us

דניאל ויגלר הינו עו"ד ומגשר המתמחה בדיני משפחה, דיני ירושה, דיני חוזים, דיני חברות ומקרקעין.  
עו"ד דניאל ויגלר הוא עו"ד מיומן וחריף, בעל ידע משפטי מקצועי רחב וניסיון מקצועי רב בטיפול בתיקים מורכבים בתחום דיני המשפחה והירושה בכל הערכאות המשפטיות.



ויצמן 2 (בית אמות השקעות), תל אביב

טלפון : 03-7444391

פקס: 03-6212440




Daniel Wigler Law Firm is a boutique law office which is situated in the center of Tel Aviv, Israel, and specializes in family law and inheritance law. 
The firm provides its clients with legal consultancy on divorce and inheritance procedures in Israel

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